<b>Welch Allyn<b>
Connex Vital Signs Monitor
Explore Welch Allyn's Connex Vital Signs Monitor (CVSM) from Hillrom, a wireless vital signs monitor with EMR connectivity for real-time patient data.
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Welch Allyn

Connex Vital Signs Monitor

With more patients on your MedSurg floor that are sicker than they used to be, you need a vital signs monitoring solution that can continuously monitor your patients, even when you can’t. The Welch Allyn Connex Vital Signs Monitor can help, providing the right level of monitoring at your fingertips. Capture standard vitals — like temperature, blood pressure, pulse rate, and SpO2 — in a single, automated solution. You can also scale up your monitoring capabilities with capnography, ECG monitoring and continuous SpO2 for patients who require additional attention.

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The Welch Allyn Connex Vital Signs Monitor has an intuitive touchscreen that is adaptable for most low-acuity healthcare environments and clinical workflows. It can track cardiac activity using 3- or 5-lead ECG monitoring, measure pulse oximetry, non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP), temperature, end-tidal CO2 (EtCo2), respiration and more. Since no two patients are alike, multiple profiles support continuous vital signs monitoring, interval monitoring, spot check vitals and averaging  —  so you can meet varying needs throughout your facility. The wireless vital signs monitor provides EMR connectivity to give caregivers access to real-time patient information and helps reduce manual data entry errors. For high-risk patients, additional features—like cardiac assessment, early warning scores and EtCO2  —  can help identify signs of patient deterioration.


  • Customize workflows to document patient observations and vitals modifiers
  • Choose between SureTemp Plus or Braun ThermoScan® PRO 6000 Thermometry
  • Help identify signs of patient deterioration with automated Early Warning Scores
  • Capture pulse oximetry with Masimo or Nellcor SpO2 sensors
  • Quickly and securely access a device with single sign-on (including RFID Scanner Imprivata integration)
  • Use Medtronic MicrostreamTM Capnography (EtCO2) with Integrated Pulmonary Index (IPI)
  • Connect to Detecto or Health o meter scales
  • Take advantage of Masimo noninvasive continuous monitoring of total hemoglobin (SpHb) and Masimo Acoustic Respiratory Monitoring (RRa)
  • Scale up with ECG monitoring to help identify lethal arrhythmia events and track cardiac activity using 3- or 5- lead ECG monitoring
  • Integrate with Connex Central Stations to centralize monitoring and alarm management
  • Secure patient information with data encryption and additional security features approved by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)
  • Connect to your EMR via Wi-Fi or Ethernet
Patient lying in hospital bed receiving capnography with The Welch Allyn® Connex® Vitals Signs Monitor in upper right corner.
Icon image of finger touching screen


Seamlessly transition from spot check to continuous monitoring
Icon showing security with lock


Securely access a device with one tap via Imprivata single sign-on

Icon showing wifi connection


Efficiently send patient data to your EMR for improved accuracy
 Heart and bar line icon representing vitals


Help detect patient deterioration sooner with continuous vital signs monitoring

nurse scanning patient badge using single sign-on Imprivata

Tired of Entering Long Passwords?

Simplify your workflows with just a tap. The RFID scanner works with integrated Imprivata single sign-on, just tap your badge and securely sign in to any device, no password needed.

Monitor Ventilation with Capnography

When equipped with capnography, this continuous monitoring device monitors patient status 24/7 to help recognize respiratory distress and respond to signs of patient deterioration.

The Welch Allyn Connex Vital Signs Monitor with Medtronic Microstream Capnography (EtCO2) with Integrated Pulmonary Index (IPI): 

  • Enables continuous monitoring of CO2 at the airway 
  • Helps caregivers identify respiratory depression quickly
  • Reflects change in ventilation within 10 seconds
  • Alarms when measurements go outside of safe thresholds
  • Features a proprietary Integrated Pulmonary Index (IPI) to help caregivers assess respiratory status
Female caregiver on left standing next to male patient using the Welch Allyn® Connex® Vitals Signs Monitor on left.


Education & Documentation

Get in the know to get the most value out of your solution.

Product Documentation

  • Videos

  • Assembly Instructions

    Icon to download brochure
    Assembly Instructions - Connex Devices ECG Module
    Icon to download brochure
    Assembly Instructions - Mobile Stand
  • Brochure

    Icon PDP
    Welch Allyn Connex Vital Signs Monitor 6000 Series, Brochure
    Icon PDP
    Secure Device Access for Connex Vital Signs Devices Overview
    Icon PDP
    Connecting DETECTO Scales to Welch Allyn Devices
    Icon PDP
    Braun PRO 6000 Mounting Options for Connex Vital Signs Monitor
    Icon PDP
    Welch Allyn and Cerner Vitals Connectivity, Sales Brochure
    Icon PDP
    Welch Allyn Connex Vital Signs Monitor with ECG, Brochure
    Icon to download brochure
    eClinicalWorks Vitals Connectivity Overview, Brochure
    Icon to download brochure
    Connecting Health o Meter Professional Scales to Welch Allyn Devices, Brochure
    Icon to download brochure
    CSM CVSM Ambulatory Surgery Center Brochure
    Icon to download sell sheet
    Vitals Imprivata Single Sign-On Sell Sheet
    Icon to download sell sheet
    Early Detection and Response to Patient Deterioration
  • Comparison Sheet

    Icon to download brochure
    Welch Allyn Multi-Parameter Vital Signs Devices Comparison Sheet
    Icon to download brochure
    Welch Allyn Vitals Barcode Scanner Comparison Sheet
  • Configuration Sheet/Tool

    Icon PDP
    Connex Vital Signs Monitor and Connex Integrated Wall System Part Number Configuration
  • Customer Letter

    Icon PDP
    Connex Vital Signs Monitor 6300 Series, End of Manufacturing, Customer Letter
    Icon PDP
    Welch Allyn Connex Vital Signs Monitor 6400 and 6500 Series, End of Manufacturing, Customer Letter
    Icon PDP
    Connex Vital Signs Monitor 6400 and 6500 Series, End of Manufacturing, Customer Letter
    Icon PDP
    CVSM EarlySense EOS-EOM Notification
    Icon PDP
    CVSM 6300 End of Service Letter
    CVSM ECG End of Sale, Customer Letter
    Masimo RD SET Customer Letter
  • Customer Service Bulletin

    Icon PDP
    CVSM, Secure SureTemp USB Cable, CSB
    Icon PDP
    Connex Vital Signs Monitor 6000 (CVSM), Connex Integrated Wall System (CIWS), CP50, CP150, Connex Spot Monitor (CSM), Update to Service Manuals Regarding Recommended Electrical Safety Testing, Customer Service Bulletin
    Icon PDP
    6000-916HS and 7000-916HS, Connex Scanner I2of5 Symbology Disabled, Customer Service Bulletin
    Icon to download brochure
    Cleaning and Disinfection Recommendation, Customer Service Bulletin
    Icon to download brochure
    Annual Preventative Maintenance CIWS, CVSM, CSM, Customer Service Bulletin
    CSB - CVSM Spot Lxi Setting with Service
    Icon PDP
    CSB-WA Product Security Vulnerability
    Icon PDP
    CSB-CVSM, Recessed Mounting Insert
    Icon PDP
    Icon PDP
    Icon PDP
    CSB- CVSM/CIWS 1.71.02 Patient Query Imp
    Icon PDP
    CSB - Supported Workflows inc. SSO CVSM
    Icon PDP
    Icon PDP
    CSB - IATA Lithium-ion Battery Response
    Icon PDP
    CSB – Clinical Dynamics AccuSim Patient
    Icon PDP
    CSB - CVSM ECG Log Retrieval
    Icon PDP
    Icon PDP
    CSB-CVSM 2.20 62 Char Passphrase Limit
    Icon PDP
    CSB – PLFM Radio Ver 2.30.00 Upgrade
    Icon PDP
    Icon PDP
    Icon PDP
    Icon PDP
    CSB Braun Pro6000 Unresponsive
    Icon PDP
    CSB- Pro 6000 Post Failures
    Icon PDP
    Icon PDP
    Icon PDP
    CSB Masimo MX5 Upgrade Instructions
    Icon PDP
    CSB - WAST End of Support for Windows 7
    Icon PDP
    CSB WAST Partner Connect Upgrade
    Icon PDP
    CSB - WAST Incorrect Firmware Ver Solutn
    Icon PDP
    CSB-CVSM C02 Mod Check and WAST Cal
    Icon PDP
    CSB-CVSM 1.71.03 SW Release
    Icon PDP
    Icon PDP
    CSB-CVSM CIWS 2.42.01 Release Notes
    Icon PDP
    CSB-CVSM.CIWS 2.43.00 Release Notes
    Icon PDP
    CSB-CVSM CIWS 2.43.02 Release Notes
    Icon PDP
    CSB-CVSM CIWS 2.44.00 Release Notes
    Icon PDP
    CSB-CVSM CIWS 2.44.01 Release Notes
    Icon PDP
    CSB-CVSM.CIWS 2.45.01 SWF Release Notes
    Icon PDP
    WAUSB Driver 1.9.12 for Windows 11 Customer Service Bulletin
  • Installation Guide

    Icon PDP
    Connex Vital Signs Monitor, Radio Software Configuration, Installation Guide
    Icon PDP
    Virtual Channel Client Software, Installation Guide
    Icon PDP
    Connex Vital Signs Monitor Communications Door Leaflet, Service Kit
    Icon PDP
    Welch Allyn Service Tool, Installation and Configuration Guide
    Icon PDP
    Assembly Instructions - Scanner and Holster Kit
    Icon PDP
    Welch Allyn Service Dashboard; Administrator Guide
    Icon to download brochure
    GCX Wall Mount, Wall Mounting Bracket Replacement Install Guide, Connex Vital Signs Monitor (CVSM) Extend Housing, Installation Guide
  • Quick Reference Guide

    Icon PDP
    Blood Pressure Accuracy and Variability, Quick Reference Guide
    Icon PDP
    Braun PRO 4000 Thermometer and Dock Cleaning Instructions, Quick Reference Guide
    Icon PDP
    Connex Vital Signs Monitor, Startup Guide
    Icon PDP
    Connex Vital Signs Monitor, 1.7X, Quick Reference Guide
    Icon PDP
    Connex with EarlySense Monitoring, Quick Reference Guide
    Icon PDP
    Connex Vital Signs Monitor, 2.2, Quick Reference Guide
    Icon to download brochure
    Welch Allyn Connex Devices, 2.3X, Quick Reference Guide
    Icon to download brochure
    Digital Device Replacement Blood Pressure Cuff, Quick Reference Guide
    Icon to download brochure
    BP Accuracy Variability Quick Reference Guide
  • Reference

    Icon to download brochure
    CVSM Electrical Safety Test, Reference
    Icon to download brochure
    Connex Vital Signs Monitor 6000 Series, Service and Maintenance Toolset
  • Service Manual

    Icon PDP
    Service manual - Welch Allyn Connex Vital Signs Monitor 6000 Series
  • Service and Maintenance Toolset

    Icon PDP
    Connex Vital Signs Monitor 6000 Series, Service and Maintenance Toolset
  • Specification Sheet

    Icon PDP
    Welch Allyn Connex Vital Signs Monitor 6000 Series, Specification Sheet
    Icon PDP
    CONNEX Vital Signs Monitor Service Sell Sheet
  • Startup Guides

    Icon to download brochure
    Startup Guide - Welch Allyn Vital Signs Monitor 6000 Series
  • User Manuals

    Icon to download brochure
    Welch Allyn Connex-Devices 2.4X Instructions for Use, English
    Icon to download brochure
    Welch Allyn Accessory Cable Management Mobile Stand, 4800/4900 Series Cleaning Instructions, User Manual
    Icon to download brochure
    Wireless BestPract, RV700, CSM, CVSM, EN
    Icon to download brochure
    Welch Allyn Connex ECG Module, Software Version 2.3X, User Manual
  • User Manual (Previous Versions)

    Icon PDP
    2021 Welch Allyn Connex-Devices 2.4X Instructions for Use, English
    Icon PDP
    2019 Welch Allyn Connex-Devices 2.4X Instructions for Use, English
    Icon PDP
    2018 Welch Allyn Connex-Devices 2.4X Instructions for Use, English
    Icon PDP
    2017 Welch Allyn Connex-Devices 2.3X Instructions for Use, English
    Icon PDP
    2014 Welch Allyn Connex-Devices 2.2X Instructions for Use, English
    Icon PDP
    2014 Welch Allyn Connex Vital Signs Monitor 2.2X Instructions for Use, English
    Icon PDP
    2012 Welch Allyn Connex Vital Signs Monitor 2.0X Instructions for Use, English
    2012 Welch Allyn Connex Vital Signs Monitor, Office Profile 1.0X-1.7X Instructions for Use, English

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What Health o meter scales will work with my Welch Allyn connected device (Spot Vital Signs LXi, Connex Vital Signs Monitor, or Connex Integrated Wall System)?


    Baxter offers a number of Health o meter scales that are compatible with these Welch Allyn devices: Connex Vital Signs Monitor, Spot Vital Signs LXi and Connex Integrated Wall System. Contact your Baxter sales representative for more information.

  • Can I use bleach wipes or wipe solutions to wipe down the screen of the Welch Allyn Connex Vital Signs Monitor?


    Yes, you can use wipes on the Connex Vital Signs Monitor touch screen surface as long as the bleach concentration does not exceed 10%.

    Note: When cleaning the device, avoid using cloths or solutions that include quaternary ammonium compounds (ammonium chlorides) or glutaraldehyde-based disinfectants.

    The following agents are compatible with the monitor. Follow the cleaning agent manufacturer’s guidelines: 

    • 70 percent isopropyl alcohol
    • 10 percent chlorine bleach solution

    70 percent isopropyl alcohol: Wipe the monitor with a clean cloth slightly dampened with 70 percent isopropyl alcohol.

    10 percent chlorine bleach solution:

    1. Wipe the monitor with a clean cloth slightly dampened with a 10 percent bleach and water solution. Follow the cleaning agent manufacturer’s guidelines.
    2. Rinse with a clean cloth slightly dampened with water that meets EP and USP quality standards.
    3. Allow the monitor surface to dry for a minimum of 10 minutes before using the monitor. 

    Note: Disinfect according to your facility’s protocols and standards or local regulations.

  • Does the Welch Allyn Connex Vital Signs Monitor have timed intervals and alarm capabilities?


    Yes, the Connex Vital Signs Monitor can acquire automatic, unattended, interval measurements. It can also be programmed to initiate interval measurements at variable interval periods for up to five hours. Or, the device can be configured as a traditional spot-check device, which removes the interval and alarm functions from the user interface.

  • How many years or cycles can I expect a Welch Allyn Connex Vital Signs Monitor battery to last?


    The manufacturer's specifications estimate that the Connex Vital Signs Monitor battery will be at 70% of its original capacity after approximately 300 complete charge/discharge cycles.

  • Does Hillrom have any mounting options for the Welch Allyn Connex Vital Signs Monitor bar code scanner?


    Although Baxter does not sell mounting options for the bar code scanner used with Connex Vital Signs Monitor, you may be able to find an appropriate scanner mounting option by contacting Jadak Technologies at

  • How do I know if the Welch Allyn Connex ProBP 3400, Connex Vital Signs Monitor, and Connex Integrated Wall System will work with my EMR or EHR?


    Welch Allyn Connex vital signs devices are compatible with most of today's EMR/EHR products. For details, request our Connected Partner List.

  • How do I access the Advanced Settings on my Welch Allyn Connex Vital Signs Monitor?


    The Advanced tab provides password-protected access to the monitor's Advanced settings (or Admin mode), enabling nurse administrators, biomedical engineers, and/or service engineers to configure specific features. The Advanced tab also presents read-only information about the monitor. (Note: You cannot enter the Advanced settings if sensors or physiological alarms are active, or if vital sign measurements are displayed.)

    Access the Advanced Settings.

    1. Touch the Settings tab.
    2. Touch the Advanced tab.
    3. Enter the Advanced settings code.
    4. Touch OK. The General tab appears.
  • Why doesn't the printer print on my Welch Allyn Connex Vital Signs Monitor?


    There could be a few reasons why your printer is not working. Try these troubleshooting activities:

    • If the reactive side of the thermal paper is not facing the print head, reverse the printer paper.
    • If the thermal paper is wet, clean and dry the inside of the printer housing and replace the printer paper.
    • If the printer module is not connected, check the internal USB and power harness connection.
    • If the printer does not have power, check J17 on the main board.
    • If the printer module does not function, replace the printer module.
    • If the USB cable is defective, replace the USB cable.
    • If the power harness is defective, test the power harness. Replace if necessary.
    • If no printer error is logged, the main board may be defective. Check the error logs for printer errors. Replace the main board if necessary.
    • If the printer fuse has blown, check MCE printer fuse F5. Replace the MCE PCBA.
  • Why can't my Welch Allyn Connex Vital Signs Monitor communicate through the USB connection?


    There could be a few reasons why your device cannot communicate via the USB cable. Try these troubleshooting activities:

    • If the battery charge is low, connect the device to AC power and allow the battery to fully charge.
    • If the communications board does not receive power, check the voltage from J49 on the main board for +5.0, ±5V DC. Replace the main board if necessary.
    • If the USB client is defective, test the connection by connecting a PC running the service tool. Verify that the service tool is configured properly on the PC to communicate with the device. See the service tool help files. Or replace the power cable to the communications board.
  • Why isn't the touch screen on my Welch Allyn Connex Vital Signs Monitor responding?


    If your device touchscreen is not working, try these troubleshooting activities.

    • If there is a software error, reboot the device. Press and hold the Power button until the device shuts down. Press the Power button to restart. (Note: Any configuration settings not saved as default will be lost.)
    • If the touchscreen is out of calibration, recalibrate the screen. In Advanced settings, touch the Service tab and then touch the Self-tests tab.
    • If the touchscreen lock is activated, unlock the screen. To unlock, touch the Lock icons at the bottom of the screen. To disable the touchscreen lock, touch the Settings tab, touch the Device tab and uncheck Allow display lock timeout.
    • If there is a faulty internal connection, check the connection at J48 on the main board with display flex cable.
    • If a display flex cable is broken, replace the touchscreen and display assembly.
    • If the main board has a faulty touchscreen controller, replace the main board.
    • If the touchscreen has experienced excessive force or prolonged rubbing in one area of the screen, replace the touchscreen.
  • Why doesn't my Welch Allyn Connex Vital Signs Monitor power up?

    • If a new battery was installed, connect AC power to wake up the battery.
    • If the AC power is disconnected, connect AC power.
    • If the power cord is defective, replace the power cord.
    • If the battery is discharged, charge the battery.
    • If the power button is defective, replace the right-side panel and power button.
    • If an internal connection is faulty…
      • Check the power-flex cable connection at J6 on the main board. 
      • Check the AC power harness connections from the IEC connector to the power supply. 
      • Check the power harness from the power supply J2 to J30 on the main board. 
      • Check the battery power harness from J2 on the battery connector board to J29 on the main board. 
    • If the power supply is defective, check the output voltage on the power supply. The voltage should be 15 V ± 0.45 V DC. If it is not, replace the power supply. 
    • If the battery is defective, charge the battery for five hours. If the battery icon on the display still shows an empty battery symbol, replace the battery. 
    •  If the main board is defective, replace the main board.
  • The display on my Welch Allyn Connex Vital Signs Monitor is dim when the unit is powered on. How do I adjust the brightness?


    If the display on your device is dim when powered on, try these troubleshooting activities.

    • If the brightness setting is too low, increase the brightness setting. Touch the Settings tab, touch the Device tab, touch the Defaults and set Display brightness to the desired level.
    • If the display has reached the end of its useful live, replace the display.
  • How does the Welch Allyn Connex Vital Signs Monitor battery status "time indicator" work and what does that number signify?


    The battery status indicator displays the different states of the battery as represented by icons in the right corner of the Device Status area, including:

    • The monitor is connected to a power outlet and the battery is charging or is fully charged. The estimated charge rate is displayed as a percentage of capacity.
    • The monitor is not connected to a power outlet and is running on battery power. The estimated charge time remaining is displayed in the hour(s): minute(s) format. Each section of the battery status indicator represents a percentage of remaining charge.
    • The monitor is connected to a power outlet but the battery does not maintain a charge (or has been removed).
    • When the battery is not being recharged and power becomes low, a low level alarm appears in the Device Status area.

    (Note: Observe the remaining battery charge in the battery status indicator and plug the monitor into a power outlet as soon as you are able.)

    If the low level alarm is dismissed or if you take no action to charge the battery, a high-priority alarm appears when battery power is critically low. Plug the monitor into a power outlet immediately to prevent it from shutting down.




Parts & Accessories

Rx only: For safe and proper use of the products mentioned herein, please refer to the appropriate Operator’s Manual or Instructions for Use.


1. Whittington J, White R, Haig K, Slock M. Using an Automated Risk Assessment Report to Identify Patients at Risk for Clinical Deterioration. The Joint commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 33(9): 569-574.2007.

2. Downey CL, Tahir W, Randell R, Brown JM, Jayne DG. Strengths and limitations of early warning scores: A systematic review and narrative synthesis. Int J Nurs Stud. 2017 Nov;76:106-119. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2017.09.003. Epub 2017 Sep 13. PMID: 28950188.

Baxter,  Connex, Hillrom, SureTemp, and Welch Allyn are trademarks of Baxter International Inc.
Braun is a trademark of Braun, GmbH
ThermoScan is a trademark of Helen of Troy Limited.

Any other trademarks, product names or brand images appearing herein are the property of their respective owners. 

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