The Volara System
Explore The Volara System from Hillrom, a home nebulizer that acts as a mucus clearing device (CHFO) and an airway clearance system (CPEP) to treat atelectasis.
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The Volara System

Our Volara System combines 3 respiratory therapies to help you breathe easier.


Oscillation and Lung Expansion (OLE) therapy has been proven to improve outcomes for hospitalized respiratory patients. Now, our versatile, 3-in-1 Volara System allows you to benefit from OLE therapy in the comfort of your own home. The Volara provides Continuous Positive Expiratory Pressure (CPEP) to expand your lungs and airways, Continuous High-Frequency Oscillation (CHFO) pulses to dislodge mucus and make it easier to cough out, and nebulized medication to relax your airways and help you breathe with less effort.

Hospital-Level 3-In-1 Therapy Now Available at Home

Oscillation and Lung Expansion therapy (OLE) has shown clinical and potential cost saving outcomes in acute care settings.1

Now, with the Volara System, your patients can benefit from OLE therapy at home.

How It Works

The Volara System assists with two vital airway clearance processes: CPEP therapy expands the lungs, enabling mobilization and evacuation of secretions. CHFO therapy mobilizes secretions to the large airways. Throughout both processes a nebulizer delivers aerosol medication for therapy efficiency.


Continuous Positive Expiratory Pressure treats and helps prevent pulmonary atelectasis by combining continuous positive pressure with aerosol medication, to help expand and hold the airways open.


Continuous High Frequency Oscillation, a pneumatic form of chest therapy, delivers continuous pulses of positive pressure combined with aerosol medication to mobilize and treat retained secretions.


Integrated with CPEP and CHFO for medication delivery during therapy to help loosen secretions.


Lung Expansion CPEP image 1

Continuous positive expiratory pressure and increased airflow are combined with aerosol medication

Lung Expansion CPEP Image 2

Combined pressure, airflow and medication opens the airways

Lung Expansion CPEP image 3

Airflow during inspiration and expiration prevents or reverses atelectasis

Lung Expansion CPEP image 4

Lung expansion allows air to move beyond retained secretions, aiding in mobilization


Lung Mobilization CHFO image full view

Continuous pulses of positive pressure combined with aerosol medication are delivered to the airways

Lung Mobilization CHFO image of secretions loosened

Secretions are loosened

Lung Mobilization CHFO continuous high frequency oscillation

Continuous high frequency oscillation during both inspiration and expiration forms a pressure gradient

Lung Mobilization CHFO image accelerated expiratory airflow

Accelerated expiratory airflow mobilizes secretions to the larger airways, where they can be cleared by coughing or suctioning

Designed For Precision and Continuity of Care

The Volara System helps you transition from hospital-based care and can be used in a continuing basis at home. It promotes accurate, consistent therapy in acute and chronic care settings. With a wide pressure range that allows you to treat a broad range of patients, it accommodates multiple delivery modes, including tracheostomy, mask, and mouthpiece.

Patient circuit features ergonomic handle, multiple interfaces and nebulizer delivery.

The Volara System control unit and patient circuit have been intentionally designed to deliver high performance therapy. The Volara System control unit will not run without sensing the Smart-Filter feature with integrated RFID tag.

Intuitive Interface

Enables real-time visualization of therapy status by patients and caregivers

One-Button Operation

Gives quick access to frequently used presets, for standardization of therapy across patient groups

Physician-Prescribed Presets

Enables patients to follow your therapy protocols precisely

Treat Patients’ Needs in the Hospital and at Home

OLE therapy has shown to deliver positive clinical outcomes in hospitals that physicians have often asked when this therapy would be available for patients in their homes. Now it is. The Volara System makes hospital-level therapy not only possible, but practical for a full range of care settings.

OLE has been shown to deliver clinical outcomes for high-risk post-operative patients, including significant reductions in:1

  • Hospital length of stay
  • Average time on ventilator
  • Post-operative pulmonary complications

Treat A Range of Patients

The Volara System is suitable for patients with a broad range of chronic conditions.

  • Cerebral palsy (CP) 
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) 
  • Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) 
  • Cystic fibrosis (CF) 
  • Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) 
  • Spinal cord injury (SCI)
compilation of patient photos for volara system: ole therapy for home care


Baxter created the CARE Connex Program to deliver comprehensive services at every step of the patient journey, offering new efficiencies for your practice and helping improve the therapy experience for your patients.

We work with over a thousand leading local, regional and national companies to include commercial health plans and networks, Medicaid, Medicare, TRICARE and the Department of Veterans Affairs.

volara system: old therapy for home care being shown the device to a patient in the living room

For further information about VOLARA System, please contact your Baxter sales representative or call Baxter customer service at 1-800-426-4224.

Hospital-Level Therapy Now Available at Home

Your doctor has probably talked with you about the importance of airway clearance therapy which allows you to maintain your respiratory health and minimize hospitalizations. That’s the idea behind the Volara System. The Volara System uses Oscillation and Lung Expansion (OLE) technology, which is effective for airway clearance, but was never before available outside of hospital settings.

Now, with the Volara System, you can benefit from OLE therapy at home.

3 Proven Therapies1 1 Versatile Device

The Volara System combines three key therapies in a single device. These therapies work together to expand your lungs, mobilizing mucus from your airways.


Continuous Positive Expiratory Pressure expands the lungs and holds them open.


Continuous High Frequency Oscillation loosens and moves mucus from the small airways to the large airways.


Delivers medication that helps loosen secretions.

Your doctor will determine what treatment cycle is best for you. Then the Volara System can be programmed, so it’s easy to do your therapy exactly as prescribed.


Personalized Presets

The Volara System will be preset by your medical team, for therapy precisely tailored for you.

Portable and Lightweight

The Volara System is light and battery operated, so it can be used throughout the home and beyond.

Intuitive Interface

The Volara System interface is designed for ease-of-use.

Works For You

The Volara System can be used with a mouthpiece, facemask or tracheostomy adapter.

Is the VOLARA System right for me?

The Volara System is cleared by the FDA to mobilize secretions, provide lung expansion therapy for the treatment and prevention of pulmonary atelectasis, and has the ability to provide supplemental oxygen when used with oxygen supply. The Volara System can help people living with respiratory insufficiency that may result from conditions such as:

  • Neuromuscular conditions such as cerebral palsy (CP), ALS, DMD, SCI, and SMA
  • Cystic fibrosis (CF)

How do I obtain a VOLARA System?

The Volara System must be prescribed by your doctor. Consult with your doctor to understand if it is right for you.

Ask your doctor

Ask your doctor about the Volara System if you have respiratory insufficiency and answer “yes” to any of the following questions:

  • Do you have increased pulmonary secretions?
  • Do you have a weak and ineffective cough?
  • Do you have atelectasis not cleared by current therapy?

Why Airway Clearance Is Important

When mucus cannot be cleared from the lungs, it builds up and creates an environment in which bacteria can grow. This can lead to repeated, serious lung infections, which can cause more damage to the airways of the lungs and a vicious cycle of infection. This cycle may lead to irreversible lung damage and respiratory failure.

If you need to manage treatment for a chronic respiratory disease or condition, you know airway clearance therapy is important.

Airway Clearance Techniques (ACTs) loosen thick, sticky mucus so it can be cleared from the lungs by coughing or huffing. These techniques include chest physical therapy, sometimes provided with the help of a caregiver. Oscillation and Lung Expansion (OLE) therapy helps with clearance by expanding the airways with Continuous Positive Expiratory Pressure (CPEP) and mobilizing the secretions with continuous pulses of positive pressure (CHFO) through a mouthpiece, mask or tracheostomy tube. The Volara System from Baxter uses this type of therapy to help patients dealing with respiratory insufficiency get airway clearance.

CARE CONNEX Program by Baxter

Baxter created the CARE Connex Program to improve your therapy experience every step of the way. Our team of 200+ professionals is ready to assist you with:

  • Understanding your insurance, warranty coverage and financial options available to you 
  • 24-hour clinical care with multilingual customer service and product support 
  • Device setup and configuration from licensed clinical trainers
volara system: old therapy for home care being shown the device to a patient in the living room

To learn more, talk to your healthcare provider about VOLARA System.

Technical Specifications

Dig deeper into product attributes to see how we can fit your requirements.

Device Height (w/o stand) 10.6"
Device Width (w/o stand) 9.2"
Device weight (w/o stand) 11 lbs
Device depth (w/o) stand 8.8"

Product Resources

Get in the know to get the most value out of your solution.

  • Brochure

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    NMD Portfolio Brochure
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    VOLARA System Patient Brochure
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Tested in Acute Care Settings

A 419-patient, two-phase multicenter study1 showed that pulmonary treatment with OLE therapy, along with standard respiratory therapy, reduced the rate of certain PPCs in high-risk surgical patients who underwent thoracic, upper abdominal or aortic open surgical procedures.

Read the full clinical study summary here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Rx Only: For safe and proper use of product mentioned herein, please refer to the Instructions for Use or Operator Manual.

     1. Huynh TT, Liesching TN, Cereda M, Lei Y, Frazer MJ, Nahouraii MR, et al. Efficacy of Oscillation and Lung Expansion in Reducing Postoperative Pulmonary Complication, JACS (2019)

Baxter, CARE Connex, Hillrom, Smart-Filter and Volara are trademarks of Baxter International Inc. or its subsidiaries.
Philips and Sidestream are trademarks of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or its subsidiaries.
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