Synergy Air Elite Low Air Loss Therapy
Using an Air Therapy hospital bed mattress, for your patients, can efficiently support their healing by redistributing airflow and positioning.
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Synergy Air Elite Low Air Loss Therapy

Customized care for your patient's needs


The Synergy Air Elite Therapy Surface provides caregivers with flexible therapy options tailored to the specific needs of each patient. With its ability to offer alternating pressure therapy and low air loss capability, this surface supports patients throughout their healing journey.


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  • CPR Mode: Quickly deflates the mattress for CPR procedures.
  • Alternating Pressure Therapy: Provides pressure redistribution that can assist in the prevention and management of pressure injuries.
  • Static Mode: Supplies low airloss therapy without alternating therapy.
  • Auto Firm Mode: Quickly inflates the air cells to their maximum pressures to supply uniform firmness to help the caregiver do routine procedures.
  • Supportive Base: A 2.5” foam base offers support during power failures.


Why Choose the Synergy Air Elite Surface?

The Synergy Air Elite is available for rent and is compatible with various bed frames, offering an efficient and adaptable solution for managing patient care in a variety of settings. 

Technical Specifications

Dig deeper into product attributes to see how we can fit your requirements.

Length 80" or 84" or Bariatric - 85"
Width 36" or Bariatric - 39" or 48"
Air Supply Unit 16.5"L x 6.7"W x 10.6"H
Therapeutic Patient Weight Limit 600 lbs, Bariatric - 1,000 lbs

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