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Three Ways to Support American Heart Month

February is American Heart Month

Did you know that, according to the American Heart Association, cardiovascular disease and stroke occur every 39 seconds and are the number one killer of all Americans? Furthermore, according to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular disease also dominates as the number one killer worldwide.

February is American Heart Month, a month dedicated to raising awareness and promoting prevention by learning your risks of heart disease and stroke. Get involved this February by fighting back. Here’s how.

1. Go Red For Women

Heart disease kills more women than all forms of cancer combined. Stroke kills more women than breast cancer. That’s why every first Friday in February is a day to Go Red for Women®. This year, National Wear Red Day® is Friday, February 4. This day was created by the American Heart Association to empower women to take control of their heart health. On this day, nationwide, people wear red to show their unity in spreading awareness, learning their risks, and living a healthier lifestyle.

National Wear Red Day

How You Can Help

  • Wear Red on February 4, 2022
  • Spread the word by sharing on social media with the hashtag #WearRedandGive
  • Join the Go Red for Women Movement and take action to help end the number one killer of women

2. Join Heart Walk

Heart Walk is the American Heart Association's fundraising event for medical research that can save lives from heart disease and stroke. Millions of people across the country come together in their locations to walk and take a stand against heart disease.

By participating in Heart Walk and raising funds, you help create lifesaving solutions, such as artificial heart valves and ways to correct heart defects in newborn babies. Heart Walk is also about learning what you can do to prevent heart disease.

American Heart Association Heart Walk

How You Can Help

  • Find your Heart Walk and register online. Join a team, create one of your own, or register individually.
  • Invite friends to join you in walking and fundraising. Once you register, you are given easy instructions to set up a fundraising page with a goal that you’d like to raise along with your story about why you’re walking.
  • Make a personal contribution and ask people or organizations to match it.
  • Gather friends and family and walk your hearts out at your local Heart Walk.

3. Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke

The good news is that with healthy choices, heart disease and stroke are preventable. Healthy choices such as not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, and getting regular exercise can reduce your chances of getting heart disease or stroke. Become heart healthy by making lifestyle changes such as these that prevent heart disease.

You can protect yourself by learning your heart’s risks. Understanding the risk factors that pertain to you is an essential step towards cardiovascular health but it’s useless if it doesn’t lead you to action. Taking appropriate action against risk factors in your control can reduce your risk of heart disease and potentially even reverse damage to the heart.

Hillrom is an advocate for heart health; it’s part of our business. We want you to be heart healthy. Join us this February in supporting awareness, education, and helping to find a cure for heart disease. Go Red for Women on February 4th, join your local or the virtual Heart Walk, and learn how to reduce your personal risks of heart disease or stroke.