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Welch Allyn Spot Vision Screener detects correctable vision disorders. Learn how the Spot Vision Screener can help save sight and prevent vision loss in children.

The Malpass family includes two active boys, Miles (12) and Parker (8). Miles plays select baseball, select soccer and basketball, and is a phenomenal skier. He is an avid reader and goes through at least three books a week. Parker is an X-Games kid. He is on the Alpental Ski Race Team and enjoys free skiing — he loves to go off jumps. He also joined the Nordic ski team, is fearless on his mountain bike, does cross country and plays soccer.

When their dad, Jef Malpass, first joined Baxter as a Vision Strategic Manager, he practiced using the Spot Vision Screener on himself and his wife. About six months later, Miles complained that he could not see well out of his right eye and Jef decided to use the device on Miles too.

Here’s their story.

What were the results of your vision screenings on Miles and Parker with the Spot Vision Screener?

When I screened Miles, a complete eye exam was recommended with Anisometropia and Hyperopia. This prompted me to do a vision screening on Parker too. He had the same issue but in his left eye. Miles has +4.5 Rx for his right eye and Parker has +2 Rx for his left eye. Their eyes are slightly different in size, causing a refractive error in the bad eye. The brain prefers to use the dominant eye, which is making the vision worse in the non-dominant eye.


What were the results of your vision screenings on Miles and Parker with the Spot Vision Screener?

When I screened Miles, a complete eye exam was recommended with Anisometropia and Hyperopia. This prompted me to do a vision screening on Parker too. He had the same issue but in his left eye. Miles has +4.5 Rx for his right eye and Parker has +2 Rx for his left eye. Their eyes are slightly different in size, causing a refractive error in the bad eye. The brain prefers to use the dominant eye, which is making the vision worse in the non-dominant eye.


Did the boys have their vision tested before this?

When Miles was in third grade, the school did a vision test and recommended he get a full eye exam. We took him to our pediatrician, who performed a visual acuity test with a wall chart. He passed with flying colors and the pediatrician said his vision was fine. I didn’t even think to take him to an ophthalmologist.

What was your reaction to discovering they had an issue?

I was upset with myself that my kids had vision problems I didn’t know about. I couldn’t get them in to see an ophthalmologist for a couple of months and lost a lot of sleep worrying about their vision. I was most concerned about Miles. His passion and love is baseball. He had basically been playing up to this point with no depth perception. I felt heartbroken for him. 

What follow-up did the boys have after you used the Spot Vision Screener on them?

An ophthalmologist saw both of my boys and confirmed everything the Spot Vision Screener had detected. Thankfully, their vision is correctable with glasses. Miles loves his glasses and is doing great. Parker struggled with wearing his glasses regularly at first but is doing better now.

What advice do you have for other families?

Without glasses, both of my kids were at risk of losing vision in one eye and having permanent damage. I believe parents should demand their children’s eyes be checked with an instrument-based screener like the Spot Vision Screener. A wall chart alone is just not acceptable, especially for younger kids. Kids are smart and can easily “cheat” a wall chart. This is just something that was never on my radar, but luckily since we caught it early with Spot Vision Screener, it is treatable.

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Learn how the Spot Vision Screener can help save sight and prevent vision loss in children..

Baxter, Hillrom, Spot and Welch Allyn are trademarks of Baxter International Inc. or its subsidiaries.

*Jef Malpass is a Strategic Vision Manager at Baxter International. Baxter, Hillrom, Spot and Welch Allyn are trademarks of Baxter International Inc. or its subsidiaries.

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