Which Eli 380 Configuration is Right For You? Select the ELI 380 device for your facility’s workflow requirements.
ERGO Screen. Freedom to move with a touchscreen swivel display that's easy to position. Not included in ELI380 Lite Configuration. Included in ELI 380 ERGO Configuration.
Back-lit Touchscreen. Allows for additional workflow options for ease of use. Not included in ELI380 Lite Configuration. Included in ELI 380 ERGO Configuration.
Best 10 Feature. Help clinicians reduce the need for repeat ECGs(2). Included in both configurations.
Full Disclosure. Automatically starts capturing an ECG at the point of patient hookup. Included in both configuration.
Critical Test Results. Audio and visual notifications for over 25 critical test results. Included in both configurations.
Barcode Workflow. Streamlined barcode workflow helps eliminate steps and reduce manual entry. Included in both configurations.
Glass Keyboard. For ease of cleaning and infection control. Included in both configurations.
DoD Approved Security Features. Device access controls integrated with LDAP/Active Directory and encryption at rest. Included with Upgrade in ELI380 Lite Configuration. Included in ELI 380 ERGO Configuration.
Wireless Acquistion Module (WAM)*. Untethered ECGs to help make exams easier for clinicians and more comfortable for patients. Included with Upgrade in ELI380 Lite Configuration. Included in ELI 380 ERGO Configuration.
Cart Included. Large work surface, four swivel casters with breaks and an accessory storage bin. Included with Upgrade in ELI380 Lite Configuration. Included in ELI 380 ERGO Configuration.


For more information, contact your Baxter Sales Representative or fill out the form for someone to reach out to you.


Rx Only. For safe and proper use of the products mentioned herein, please refer to the Operator's Manual or Instructions for Use.

*Certain configurations come standard with WAM.

  1. Statistics derived from data on file to support resting ECG algorithm claims in the Resting ECG Claims Study. Complete data on file with Baxter.
  2. Statistics based on data collected from internal reports: Repeat ECG Research Summary. Complete data on file with Baxter.
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